Author name: finalwebdesign

Who Counsels the Counselor? How Ombudspersons Can Help Law Firms

Lawyers, perhaps more than other professions, are exposed to conflict in nearly every conceivable way: with opposing counsel, with clients, with judges, with co-workers, and with supervisors. These are, of course, just the work-related conflicts on top of any conflict they may experience in their personal lives. Nonetheless, “lawyers are perceived as striving in the […]

Who Counsels the Counselor? How Ombudspersons Can Help Law Firms Read More »

Dude Looks Like a Lady: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination Under Title VII, and Potential Conflict Management Systems in the Workplace

“Issues involving the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons (and in particular LGBT employees) make headlines across the nation almost daily.” (Shivers, 2018, p. 175). “Gay” and “lesbian” are commonly understood to refer to individuals who are attracted to the same gender. “Transgender usually refers to individuals who deliberately reject their original

Dude Looks Like a Lady: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination Under Title VII, and Potential Conflict Management Systems in the Workplace Read More »

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